Change Mgt. Workshops
Change Management Mindset
Using the ancient yogic methodologies and combining the same with today’s change leadership tools, we intend to create the appropriate change management mindset.
Content of the workshop
The change management mindset workshop could involve:
• Appreciating the difference between change and project management
• Understanding subjective aspects such as fear, anger, anxiety, stress, mistrust that play a detrimental role to the change journey
• Understanding and practicing yogic breathing methods and attempting to use the same as a tool to face the aforesaid deterrents
• Understanding stress and practicing yogic breathing methods to induce stress and improvising stress response
• Identifying root cause of fear / anxiety and mapping their connections to the goals or expectations related to the change
• Identifying habits or patterns that act as deterrents to change and exploring methods replace the same
Change Management for Diversity & Inclusion
Inculcating a positive change through visualization techniques aiming at highlighting similarities and strengths that go beyond the differences to celebrate diversity and inclusion.
Content of the workshop:
The change management for diversity / inclusion workshop could involve
• Identifying core values of each ethnic group and the correlation of such values to that of their organization / key goals of project and visualizing the same
• Through an open – close discussion model brainstorming to find similarities and visualizing the similarities
• Co-create artwork as a team based on the similarities, which will strengthen the emotional quotient of each participant, thereby increasing the ability to adapt to a multi-cultural atmosphere
Change Management for Conflict & Crisis
Using basic yogic and mindfulness methodologies and combining the same with today’s conflict / crisis management strategies, we intend to develop the change management strategies needed at times of such conflict or crisis.
Content of the workshop:
The change management workshop for conflict & crisis
• Identifying / addressing voices of fear, cynicism, and judgement
• Using basic yogic and mindfulness methods to reflect on the aforesaid deterrents to change and getting to the roots
• Creating an open mind and debating on the root causes and validating the root causes that the team is to work on with an open will
• Creating the team wheel that will collectively set the direction of the team to resolve such validated root causes – via the team wheel the group is to set the:
o Team’s purpose (WHY)
o Team’s goals (WHAT)
o Team’s plan (HOW)
o Team’s roles (WHO)
• Additionally, in case of crisis management, identifying the overall group strategy / team / company strategy and information strategy for social media
Change Management for Exclusive projects
This workshop would be tailored based on your exclusive requirements and may include a combination of all or any of the aforesaid workshops. We will work closely to understand your requirement and come up with the workshop plan accordingly.
Change Management the Yogic Way workshop with the Danfoss A/S IT Planning Team, Nordborg, Denmark on 18th August 2021