Yoga Klasser i Sønderborg og Online

Yoga Classes in Sønderborg and Online

Den yogiske rejse indtil videre...

I 2017 havde jeg grundlagt GLAC Studios ADI Yogi yogagruppe for kvinder for at samle kvinder fra multikulturel baggrund og støtte dem med at identificere deres indre potentiale. Vi havde startet de ugentlige timer på Humlehøj skolens basketballbane. Den store bane blev meget kold for os, især om vinteren. Vi flyttede så ind i Multihuset - Sønderborg AndelsBoligforening i 2019. Dette var hyggeligt og perfekt til vores lille gruppe. 

I 2020, da COVID-pandemien ramte os, var vi nødt til at stoppe disse sessioner på grund af ned lukningen. Ved at lære at tilpasse os forandringer sætter vi foden ind i onlineverdenen, forbinder os via teams og sikrer, at vi fortsætter med at dyrke yoga. Nu hvor vi er tilbage i Multihuset til de direkte timer, fortsætter jeg med at tænde kameraet, der forbinder deltagerne via Teams. Så yogierne behøver ikke nødvendigvis at være i Sønderborg :)

The yogic journey so far...

In 2017 I had founded the GLAC Studio’s ADI Yogi yoga group for women to bring together women from multicultural backgrounds and support them in identifying their inner potential. We had started the weekly classes at Humlehøj skolens basketball court. The large court was somehow getting cold for us especially during winter. We then moved into the Multihuset - Sønderborg AndelsBoligforening in 2019. 

This was cozy and perfect for our small group. In 2020 when the COVID pandemic hit us we had to stop these sessions due to the lock-down. Learning to adapt to change, we set foot into the Online world, connecting via teams and ensuring that we do yoga continuously. Now that we are back into the Multihuset for the direct classes, I continue to switch on the camera connecting participants via Teams. So, the yogis need not necessarily be in Sønderborg :)

Yoga classes @ Sønderborg & LIVE Online sessions

Vores yoga klasser:

Our Yoga sessions: